

Not long after breakfast I was tucked quite comfortably into a corner of the couch, nursing the baby (who will be nine months old in a couple days, whaaaaaat?) and surveying the detritus of life with little people and stealing sips of my second cup of coffee, when wham! I knew exactly what I’d write about today. There’s this thing that’s been a real haven for me in these early years of motherhood and I think this might be just the time and just the spot to talk about that.

The post nearly wrote itself: when I was nursing the baby down for her naps, and when I drove to the library and then again when I drove to pick up pizza, and when I was giving the kids their bath. Do you do some of your best writing like this too?

Hoping hard that post will still be up there in my head waiting for me in a day or two. Tonight I’m going to bed full to bursting with thanks, for hot breakfasts and good coffee and another cup whenever I want it. For the way the back of my baby’s head fits into the crook of my elbow. For my five-year old’s morning hair. For apologies and deep breaths and do-overs. For librarians. For a hungry hungry baby and cooking with my boy and his exploding interest in math. For four phone calls a day with my mom. For clear night skies and Christmas records and hot cocoa. For wind on the bay. For Legos. For bread. For Henry and Mudge. For Cheers on the couch and a splash of bourbon in my cider and my husband at my side.

(seven posts in seven days)

5 thoughts on “Tonight

  1. Amy Corley

    So glad you are writing, and I Iook forward to reading the post you are writing in your head :). I absolutely do that too. It seems that when my hands are busy with cooking or cleaning then my mind is free to think on deeper things.

  2. Sarah

    Yeah, I do that too. And I have to get it down fast, or else I have to go through the process all over again when the time is right. Here’s hoping you have the time to do so in the near future, so we can all read it 🙂

    1. Lisa Post author

      Thanks, Sarah. There is some quote about writing, about how you have to get it all down or it disappears like smoke – but I just haven’t figured out how to do that right now. So I guess I have to settle for the ways the words sit in my head for weeks – I like to think they’re fermenting instead of rotting up there 🙂


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