
Well, here I am ready to reflect on the weekend and it is already the dark and cloudless end of a Monday, and only barely at that! It’s a good measure of how time has passed for me of late. Mostly, and particularly since I became a mother, our days here on the farm unfold in a way that’s not unlike our land itself: muddy sometimes, bruised knees for sure, but also rolling, green, expansive. But I’m staring down these last few weeks here like I’m shuttling through a tunnel on a high-speed train.

It’s okay. There’s a lot to do, and not much time, and there it is. But it makes me ever more grateful for the pockets of calm.

This weekend, although there was a very chilly market and furious house cleaning and showing the farm and lots of mama-has-to-work and too much Netflix for the boy, there was also: a coffee/bagels/One Morning in Maine date with the little man, pizza night for the first time in ages, dancing in the kitchen with both my boys, dreaming up the things we might grow in Orange County’s lush muck soil, chickens singing loudly at the blue skies, a long slow Sunday breakfast together, soup. And many clementines!

(joining Amanda atΒ The Habit of Being)

8 thoughts on “Weekending

  1. Nik

    Would you believe we don’t have that book? And I summered in Maine almost my entire childhood through my mid-twenties with my grandparents. I need to get that book right away.

    Wishing you many pockets of calm. Maybe entire outfits of calm. πŸ˜‰

    1. Lisa

      We don’t have it either! Our main Robert McCloskey growing up was Make way for Ducklings, which was a huge favorite. I even wrote a parody of it in high school called Make Way for Yuppies πŸ™‚ And we love Blueberries for Sal. I was a bit surprised A sat through all of One Morning in Maine — it’s quite long! But he was riveted.

      I loved your post about your grandparents. It got my own gears turning … I’ve got lots I’d love to try to write down in a similar (but so different) vein.

      1. Nik

        Thank you. It is always therapeutic for me to write about my grandparents. Thanks for letting me know you loved it. I look forward to hearing your words.

  2. Tamika

    I’m loving your blog. I wish I had friends like you when I was younger and raising my girls πŸ™‚
    Have you discovered Beth Berry yet? She writes a ‘Revolution From Home’ blog and frequently for Mothering Magazine.
    Holding you in my thoughts for the weeks ahead.

    1. Lisa

      I HADN’T heard of RFH! I am so, so excited to dig deeper over there. Thank you a ton. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement too — I need them! Just three weeks and change now. Then we can make a coffee date!


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